Yamaha SU Series

Yamaha SU Series

Written by Dom Barnett 16/12/19

There are two models in the SU Series as follows:

  • SU118C: 118cm
  • SU7: 131cm

The SU Series represents the pinnacle of Yamaha’s upright piano offering and comprises the SU118C and the stunning SU7. Handcrafted from start to finish by the master craftsmen of the concert piano facility, the level of refinement offered by the SU Series is incomparable. While the 118cm tall SU118C is smaller than a U1 it delivers incredible performance, the soundboard is constructed from specially selected, matured Alaskan spruce with a tight grain for improved tonal quality while the hammers are of a dense lamb’s wool.

The SU7 is the range topping Yamaha upright piano and delivers unsurpassable quality and refinement, representing the very best piano manufacture that Japan has to offer. At 131cm tall it is the same size as the U3, YUS3 and YUS5 but is handcrafted from start to finish. The keys are the same length as those found in a grand piano to provide a delicate and sensitive touch, the music desk is leather lined, and the fall board elegantly retracts into the cabinet when the piano is opened.

The SU Series pianos are constructed from only the very finest materials and are cherished by those lucky enough to own one. If you demand the very best, then a Yamaha SU Series piano is the instrument for you.